Grace Homes located at 1100 Sumter Court in Visalia, California provides local drug and alcohol treatment programs for those struggling with substance abuse. Grace Homes provides help for those struggling with drug and alcohol abuse. Other addiction treatment options include Counseling that help those struggling with drug and alcohol addiction to get the effective treatment that they need.
For those that are seeking affordable drug rehab in Visalia, California, then entering addiction treatment at Grace Homes is the right choice. Grace Homes generally accepts struggling addicts of most age groups, i.e. 18+ to enroll in their available addiction rehabilitation programs.
Grace Homes also takes commonly accepted insurances, i.e. Most Insurances, and certain types of payment such as: American Express, Cash or self-payment, Check, Mastercard, Visa. Grace Homes can be contacted through their website at
At this time I currently have a 16 year old daughter and a 3month grandson as well that is special to all. She is a intelligent young lady that has a future... At this time she has been beaten up and hurt and is fighting against all other youths that is locally gang up against eachother as gang violience and I feel as a mother that it doesn't have licensed professionals that have licenses, and school college or so,e type of knowledge and wisom with experiences as well. youth training youths as well and manager director administration is the worest.... I havce no allegations and donrt make any allegations unless if its not a safe environment and surroundings to saend to that home....I have so much more things but will b a topic with suggestions and community needs to come together and start a support group,,,and better the youth program from the trajdy that past history started with and changed but has gotten worse in same area but gotten worse in all othe rarea,,,, Please help... But very grateful of supporting in areas like nutrition and supply water and electric needs....